lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

The librarian JSK review. The snow field

Finally I have the time to write the review bullshit i was procrastinating BWAHAHAHAHAejem..

-------Jump down to the next paragraph to see what it's really important -------
Around October last year, I don't even remember where, I saw announced The librarian JSK by The snow field, an USA indie lolita brand.
It caught my eye. I loved the design and above all, the books pattern with their small golden details (High five if you love books!yay)
Thing is, I'm a really stingy when buying anything, and when I say anything I mean ANYTHING. Even when buying chewing gums which I don't buy anymore because they twiced the price >:(
And I though about it a lot. A lots of headache for something I already knew I was going to buy but the spirit is what counts! Right.
Showed it to my boyfriend, He made the ugliest face ever. Ignored him completely.

So I made my reserve and paid it on 30th October
It was supposed to be finished by December-January, ended up in February-March.
But it was ok, I wasn't in a hurry, the communication was great and I knew she was presenting her brand in conventions and other events.
I received the package in March

Nicely packed package
Yayyyy It's opened!!
I got the JSK1 version in gold, the headbow, instructions for washing it and a postcard.
The construction it's great, the fabric is really soft and it's really better than what you'll see in the photos. They don't do justice to the real quality. My camera is crappy.

It's linned and not that shiny in reality. The sewing is so well done you can almost wear it inside out
Now some blurry details and the headbow.
Lace detail. A very nice one btw

Back lacing. The buttons have eagles on it (American pride!)

Detachable bow brooch with book charm

It has a little book charm on the left
There's a waist ribbon tie too but my camera died, so no pictures of the ribbon tie nor the pocket it has.Very useful and well hidden.
And of course, a photo with me wearing it
Look at my ugly sexy and fabulous face and feel the envy xD

 My bf still doesn't approve its perfection. I really feeling like wrapping him in the dress...